Ohne Titel (4 Werke aus den Jahren 1971, 1972, 1973, 1981 und ein Zertifikat des Künstlers

Goran Trbuljak
Zertifikat, 2005
Certificate black-and-white photograph (6,1 x 6,4 cm), Vintage print, gelatine silver print, baryta paper, mounted on paper, typescript text 29.4 x 21 cm, framed 51 x 43 cm "U periodnu od 1971-1981 godine moje 4 samostalne izlozbe sastojale su se iskljucivo od plakate koji su bili izvjeseni po gradu u unutar galerije gdje je plakatujednobio i jedini eksponat". Goran Trbuljak ("Within the period of 1971 and 1981 my 4 solo exhibitions showed only the posters, which were hung in the city and shown in the gallery, with the poster being the only exhibit at a time". G. Trbuljak)