Eau de Jardin

Generali Foundation Collection—Permanent Loan to the Museum der Moderne Salzburg, © Generali Foundation, Photo: Doris Leutgeb

Sommerer, Christa & Laurent Mignonneau

Eau de Jardin, 2004

Interactive installation, Version with 8 plants, Edition 2/5 & 2 AP; 1 PC Gamer Computer, Operating system: Windows11, Processor: Intel Core i7 processor, RTX3070 graphics card, Cables, periphera devives, interface preamplifier, filter, AD converte, r 10 x 10 meter long cables, power supplies, peripherals, hooks, 8-12 flower pots & cables, UV-lamps, Dimensions variabel


Artwork text

“Eau de Jardin” is an interactive installation that takes us into the world of imaginary water gardens. It consists of a curved projection screen on which a virtual water garden grows before our eyes in real time. Potted plants hanging from the ceiling, including peace lilies, ferns and ivy, register every approach and touch by visitors via sensors attached to their roots. With the help of algorithms, the electromagnetic signals are translated via an interface on the large-format projection screen into spontaneously growing vegetation that resembles the real plants. Fictitious drops of water make the background vibrate slightly like a water surface. Interactions between humans and nature are playfully illustrated with a serious message that is intended to make us think about our relationship, our behavior and the resulting interactions with real ecosystems. (Doris Leutgeb)