
Peter Weibel
Körperaktionen, 1967-2003
Video compilation Fingerprint, 1968, black and white and color, sound, 2 min 21 sec, Nostrils, 1969, black and white, silent, 33 sec, Lascivious, 1969, black and white, silent, 33 sec, Eye Texts, 1974, black and white, silent, 1min 10 sec, Mouth Text, 1974, black and white, silent, 42 sec, Forehead Text, 1974, black and white, silent, 20 sec, Trampling on Rights, 1967/68, black and white, silent, 1 min 14 sec, Solution of Fantasy, black and white, sound, 1972, 2 min 20 sec, How Did Mathematics Evolve From the Fish?, black and white, silent, 1971, 54 sec, Art and Revolution: Incendiary Speech, 1968, black and white, silent, 33 sec, Fluidum and Property: Body Relations as Measure of Property, 1971/72, black and white, sound, 3 min 36 sec, Greet God, 1967/72, black and white, sound, 1 min 6 sec, Cocain(e), 1972, black and white, silent, 2 min 5 sec, Reconstruktion of Stoppages-étalon (1913/14) by Marcel Duchamp, 1970/71, black and white, silent, 49 sec, Thinkact, 1967, black and white, sound, 3 min 54 sec, Vulcanology of the Emotions, 1971/73, black and white, sound, 7 min 18 sec, Discussion of the Nude or Inverse self-Portrait, 1975/76, black and white, sound, 19 min 1 sec, Switcher Sex, 1972, black and white, silent, 5 min 35 sec, Venus in Furs, 2003, color, silent, 4 min 31 sec, Rhyme and Reason, 1978, black and white, sound, 19 min 16 sec, From the Portfolio of Doggedness, 1968/69, black and white and color, silent, 1 min 39 sec, Timeblood - Bloodbell, 1972/79/83, color, sound, 16 min 49 sec, Published by ARGE INDEX Production: Medienwerkstatt Wien