Depiction is a Crime, Video Works

Peter Weibel
Depiction is a Crime, Video Works, 1969-1975
Video compilation The Public as Exhibit, 1969, black and white, sound, 4 min 48 sec, More Warmth Among Human Beings, 1972, black and white, sound, 2 min, Depiction Is a Crime, 1970, black and white, sound,1min 30 sec, Intervals, 1971, black and white, sound, 1 min, TV-News (TV-Death II), 1970, black and white, sound, 6 min 24 sec, Synthesis. On/Off, 1972, black and white, sound, 1 min 50 sec, Tritität, 1975, black and white, sound, 8 min 35 sec, TV-Aquarium (TV-Death I), 1970, black and white, sound, 1 min 30 sec, The Endless Sandwich, 1969, black and white, sound, 2 min, Every Action Causes Another, 1967, black and white, sound, 20 sec, Imaginary Water Sculpture, 1968, black and white, sound, 50 sec, Switchersex, 1972, black and white, silent, 5 min 35 sec, Tritität, 1975, black and white, sound, 8 min 35 sec Self Limitation - Self Drawing - Self Description, 1974, black and white, silent, 12 min 40 sec, Parenthetical Identity, 1974, black and white, sound, 3 min 10 sec, Monodrom, 1972, color, sound, 5 min 30 sec, Chamber Music, 1972, color, sound, 17 min 55 sec, Timeblood, 1972, color, sound, 4 min, Published by ARGE INDEX Production: Medienwerkstatt Wien