Relativ Lengések

Dora Maurer
Relativ Lengések, 1973
Video, transferred from 35mm film, black and white, sound, 10 min Director: Janos Gulyas Audio effects: Zolztan Jeney Produced by Balazs Bela Studio, Budapest (1975) Edition 3/10
Artwork text
"Gabor Body announced a 'Series on the Language of Film' in 1973 in the Balazs Bela Studio with the aim that representatives of different branches of art contributed with experimental films to the investigation of the tools of expression in cinema. At the time of the announcement Maurer had already completed her Learned Spontaneous Motions, where a young lady reading a book, played with her wisps, made faces etc., and the same gestures got repeated again and again. Here reception gave a new meaning to the 'direction' of the motions. In the Relative Swingings, on the other hand, we were witness to the relativization of meaning related to motion. The only 'theme' (or better leitmotif) of the film is a lamp hanging from the ceiling. The 'action' is given by the swinging or still standing of the lamp - in relation with the standing or moving camera. We can easily imagine all the variations, from the 'unmoved lamp + unmoved camera = unmoved image' through 'unmoved lamp + swinging camera = Swinging image' up to 'swinging lamp + swinging camera = unmoved image' …" (Laszlo Beke)