Die ungeöffnete Post des Max Foster

Maria Eichhorn
Die ungeöffnete Post des Max Foster, 1996
Walltext "The unopened mail of Max Foster" in bas-relief: white wall paint on white wall, manual application with brush in several layers, typeface New Helvetica 65 medium, 90 mm; 7 stacks of total 344 postal items: 277 letters and postcards, 59 letter and big letters, 2 big parcels, 4 small parcels, 1 bag, 1 roll Dimensions approx. 50 x 130 x 60 cm The language of the wall text is chosen according to the place of exhibition.
Artwork text
The work was created for Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam. Max Foster is the name of a fictional person. Three months before the exhibition opened, a postal address was set up: Max Foster, Westermarkt 2-L, NL-1016 DK Amsterdam. Before and during the exhibition, around twenty people repeatedly sent Max Foster letters, postcards, and parcels of various sizes. After its arrival, the mail was arranged in stacks on the gallery floor. The exhibition’s title, "de ongeopende post van Max Foster," was applied to the white wall in two layers of white paint. The mail remains unopened. (Maria Eichhorn)