Jean-Marie Straub und Danièle Huillet bei der Arbeit an einem Film nach Franz Kafkas Roman "Amerika"

Harun Farocki
Jean-Marie Straub und Danièle Huillet bei der Arbeit an einem Film nach Franz Kafkas Roman "Amerika", 1983
Film, 16mm, color, sound, transferred to video, 25 min Director: Harun Farocki Performers: Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub, cast and crew of the film "Klassenverhältnisse" (feature film, directed by Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub) Photography: Ingo Kratisch Produced by: Harun Farocki, WDR, Large Door (London)
Artwork text
This film is both a self-portrait and a homage to Farocki’s role model (and former film-academy teacher) Jean-Marie Straub. Farocki’s admira-tion for Straub was so great that commenting on Between Two Wars, he said: “Perhaps I made the film only to gain recognition from Straub.” In this observation film Farocki documented the realization of his wish: the film shows Farocki rehearsing his role as “Delamarche” under Straub’s direction for the film Klassenverhältnisse (1983). Those who have seen Farocki’s documentation of the film shooting will never forget these short scenes. (Tilman Baumgärtel)