and the Politics of Mobility
Publication to the exhibition from January to April 2003.
Ed. by Ursula Biemann for the Generali Foundation. Preface by Dietrich Karner. Editorial by Sabine Breitwieser. Texts by Ursula Biemann, Brian Holmes, Lisa Parks, Irit Rogoff, Buréau d’études, Frontera Sur RRVT, Makrolab, multiplicity and Raqs Media Collective.
Over the years the concept of Geography undergoes a fundamental transformation. The increasing circulation of people, goods, and data create new cultural, social, and virtual landscapes, which can not longer be described by traditional geo-scientific categories. This publication documents projects of five international art collectives, which pursue questions of global migration, changing work environments, and worldwide information systems, and outline alternative models for a new geographic praxis. Art scientist lrit Rogoff, Brian Holmes and Lisa Parks critically enlight in their theoretical essays the metaphor of Geography towards a new level of knowledge.