41_Cover DAP2003 Sammlungsbuch

Occupying Space. Sammlung Generali Foundation Collection

Catalogue of the Generali Foundation Collection.

Ed. by Sabine Breitwieser. Preface by Dietrich Karner. Introduction by Sabine Breitwieser. Numerous texts by the artists.

Since the end of the 1980s, the Generali Foundation has established a renowned collection of contemporary art consisting of (then) about 1,400 works by approx. 160 international artists. In contrast to state-owned but also many private collections, the Generali Foundation does not endeavor to present a comprehensive overview. lnstead it focuses on individual artistic approaches in connection with specific themes. Many key works in the collection date back to the 1960s, and are juxtaposed on more recent ones and placed within a contemporary context. The issues addressed in the Generali Foundation Collection include conceptual and performative aspects of art as well as the crossovers to architecture and design. Most significantly, it features artistic practices that analyze and critically interrogate social parameters and the role of the media.

With works and texts by Gottfried Bechtold, Norbert Brunner/Michael Schuster, Ernst Caramelle, Maria Eichhorn, VALIE EXPORT, Harun Farocki, Andrea Fraser, Rainer Ganahl, lsa Genzken, Bruno Gironcoli, Dan Graham, Hans Haacke, Hans Hollein, Sanja lvekovic, Mary Kelly, Richard Kriesche, Elke Krystufek, Friedl Kubelka, Bertrand Lavier, Dorit Margreiter, Gordon Matta-Clark, Walter Pichler, Adrian Piper, Mathias Poledna, Florian Pumhösl, Gerwald Rockenschaub , Martha Rosler, Gerhard Rühm, Allan Sekula, Martin Walde, Peter Weibel, Franz West, Heimo Zobernig as well as other artists especially from the comprehensive video collection.

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