58_Ana Torfs_2010_M

Ana Torfs
Album/Tracks A+B

Publication to the exhibition from September to December 2010.

Ed. by Sabine Folie for the Generali Foundation, Vienna, AT, and Doris Krystof for the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, GER, 2010. Preface by Dietrich Karner and Marion Ackermann Editorial by Sabine Folie and Doris Krystof. Texts by Mieke Bal, Sabine Folie, Anselm Franke, Michael Glasmeier, Steven Jacobs, Doris Krystof, Gabriele Mackert, Friedrich Meschede, Kassandra Nakas and Catherine Robberechts. Interview with the artist by Gabriele Mackert.

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