Aus der Serie "Video-Landschaften"

© Generali Foundation Collection—Permanent Loan to the Museum der Moderne Salzburg

Ernst Caramelle

Aus der Serie "Video-Landschaften", 1974

11 black-and-white photographs Documentations of the video installations Vintage prints Dimensions: see single works framed 30 x 40 cm/40 x 30 cm each


Artwork text

In Video Landscapes, the monitor shows precisely those parts of a space it is obscuring from view. The monitor is placed in front of a curtain or a person in such a way that it seems like a window. In reality, however, one sees a videotape depicting an image tailored precisely to the background. Because reality is obscured by the monitor, I try to render this interrupted visual experience visible again or to supplement it. Video technology is used here not to replay action but simply to produce freeze-frames. Supplements to, or alienations of, interrupted reality. Because this project needs the real environment of the monitor, an exhibition is only possible if photographic documents are used or if another video recording is made. (Ernst Caramelle)